Friday, March 27, 2009

President Obama signals Afghanistan war shift

I have read about one of the news coverages on how President Obama have plans to send 4,000 more troops to Afghanistan to help stop the worsening insurgency there, the authors are making their cases that by sending some more troops there to Afghanistan it might calm things down a bit. It could work but the Afghan troops are probably more smarter and a little bit more cunning too. The authors have also stated that President Obama does have plans to seek help from the other nations which are: China, Russia, Iran, India, United Arab Emirates, and Saudi Arabia.

I think it is a good idea to have six other nations help us so that way we won't go at it alone and so we can be able to conquer this whole conflict in Afghanistan. President Obama will also ask United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia to do more to help stop terrorist financing. The authors did make it clear that there are 59,000 troops fighting right now. Gen. David McKiernan have asked for 32,000 troops.

The number of troops in Afghanistan will help more because former Republican Presidential Candidate John McCain or one of the authors have mentioned that "The Afghan army has to be dramatically increased". The number of troops have been increased; Gen. McKiernan have asked for 32,000 troops, President George Bush have committed 6,000 troops, and now President Barack Obama have put in 21,000 troops. In total that is 59,000 troops.

What the authors are trying to say is that President Obama is putting a lot of effort into everything, and he is doing his best for the country to make peace and to end this war in Iraq and to settle things down in Afghanistan. I agree because the war in Iraq has been six years and we need to put in end to this war, and by having more troops in Afghanistan things will settle down and become peaceful again.