Thursday, February 26, 2009

In this piece from U.S.A. today the author made an argument about how people should not keep wild, non-domesticated animals in their homes because the animal can destroy everything and even attack their own owners. There were many incidences where wild animals who were pets have attacked people before and even their owners, from the past and even recently now, wild animals are not pets and people should not keep them as pets because they are wild and they are non-domesticated.

There are also breed of dogs that should not even be pets because they are also just as dangerous as wild animals, for example: Doberman Pinschers, Rottweilers, Pit Bulls, and even Pit Bull mixes. Dogs like them are pretty dangerous, because they can get pretty vicious at any given moment and if anybody is not careful they can turn on anybody especially you being the owner of the dog.

The author was also making created some key elements in his point-of-view of the piece. He used examples of what happened to people who keep wild animals and dangerous dogs as their pets. There were a few other arguments from one woman who owns two wild monkeys (one is Capuchin the other Snow White) as her pets. She says they are majestic creatures and the bond between the caretaker and the pet is unbelievable.

You really need to take in consideration that wild animals belong in the wild not in somebody's home, its unbelivable and outrageous to me that anybody would keep a wild animal as a pet that is ridiculous and on top of that is just plain wrong for the animal, because how can you take a wild animal from the wild, put it in a local shelter, and then you decide you want a pet and decide that it can be a wild animal, then you go to the shelter, take the animal, and you decide to keep it as a pet. That's just not right.

I believe the author was also trying to point out and that having a wild animal as a pet is not right and furthermore its just not a good thing to do, because you could endanger yourself and anybody else in your house and probably in your neighborhood.

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