Thursday, April 23, 2009

We Should Leave The Middle East

In my opinion, we do need to leave the Middle East. It has been six years since we have fought with Iraq and appoximately over 4,000 troops have died in the war and many more are injured. There have been troops that came back home and their families safe and sound, but the side effects of the war still have been affecting them a lot.

We do need to pull out because the longer we keep fighting the Iraq war, the more troops will get killed and injured, but the good news is Mr. Obama is in office and his intentions are to end this war with Iraq. He have set up a time frame in when the troops should be able to come back home, and the date is December 2011 which is 2 more years away.

At first, we were for this war but now a lot of people in the United States are angry and upset because we have not pulled out and it has been 6 years. However, Mr. Obama does want to clear things up in Afghanistan and he does want to put some of the troops over there to guard and protect, which is a good idea so that way the enemy won't get suspicious and wonder "What is going on here". With Mr. Obama in office he should be able to do the best he can with what he is going to accomplish to help the country and the citizens.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Government Challeges Firms To Make Better Batteries

This piece from the article of talks about how the government is convincing the firms to build smaller, longer-lived batteries and what they talk about is how the batteries are going to help not only the government but also the people in general. The government wants to invests tens of millions of dollars to invest the companies into making them. I don't know if that is a smart idea because, we do have batteries that can last longer and that's Duracel and other battery types, furthermore, if the battery deal falls through that is a lot of money wasted.

We spend a lot of money on getting batteries everyday and not only we do that but we also use batteries to help us with electronic devices and for our other needs and purposes. Batteries are important for us to use and I think that the government just wants us to have better batteries to use in the future. Today's intelligence and military missions do rely more and more on high-tech gadgetry: such as remote communications and surveillance systems, and the government have been investing not only in batteries, but also in portable, long-duration power sources.

I'm not saying that the government does not need to do any wrongful spending in investing in batteries is just that they do need to think about the whole thing first and see if it is worth it. For the most part it is a smart idea because we could be inventing something that can be worthwhile and could benefit for us in the future.