Thursday, April 23, 2009

We Should Leave The Middle East

In my opinion, we do need to leave the Middle East. It has been six years since we have fought with Iraq and appoximately over 4,000 troops have died in the war and many more are injured. There have been troops that came back home and their families safe and sound, but the side effects of the war still have been affecting them a lot.

We do need to pull out because the longer we keep fighting the Iraq war, the more troops will get killed and injured, but the good news is Mr. Obama is in office and his intentions are to end this war with Iraq. He have set up a time frame in when the troops should be able to come back home, and the date is December 2011 which is 2 more years away.

At first, we were for this war but now a lot of people in the United States are angry and upset because we have not pulled out and it has been 6 years. However, Mr. Obama does want to clear things up in Afghanistan and he does want to put some of the troops over there to guard and protect, which is a good idea so that way the enemy won't get suspicious and wonder "What is going on here". With Mr. Obama in office he should be able to do the best he can with what he is going to accomplish to help the country and the citizens.


  1. I believe that it is time consuming for our country to stay in the middle east and not to mention the operation has made huge deficits. Obama said as President that he would try to accomplish ending the war and withdrawing troops, but by 2011 the government said there would still remain 75,000 plus troops in Afganistan. I think that if this new administration wants to cut the budget and help stop government spending then both branches would come to a conclusion that this war on terror come to a hault. The United States would most definetely flourish if this wasteful spending had never been approved. The soldiers are most important as well and if we are going to spend the money to fight terrorism then we should have some accomplishments. I do not condone anymore lives lost if this operation is never going to gain a few positive results

  2. I agree that the government should withdraw out of the middle east. The war did seem necessary at the beginning because of 9/11, but they have been low results from the operation in Iraq and has cost many American soldiers lives. The war has also put the brakes on the economy and this has upset the whole country because the government has to either tax or borrow to supply the funds for these operations. I believe it is time to withdraw the troops so this country can deal with some internal problems.

  3. I Disagree, and think the troops should stay. With America being a global super power we cannot show our weekness and with China and India growing at a much quicker rate than the U.S. we will soon be whiped out of "super power" status like Great Britian was 200+ years ago. I do not think we should declare all out war but do think we should keep our presence in Iraq and Afghanistan. The U.S. should also campaign harder in the UN to get other countries to fight terrorism. Because of different relgious views each country has I don't think we will ever quite shut down terrorism with out taking away rights and liberities. However I do think we can stay several steps ahead of the game by staying where the conspiring happens.
