Thursday, May 14, 2009

Health Care For The Country

I do agree with what you are saying about Health Care in America, we do need more Health Care in America, so the people will be covered. Health Care is very important because it can cover us when we are sick or even if we have any types of illness or disease that we may have caught from somebody or something. Health Care should also be applied for the families, whenever children get sick, because they definately need health care to get well.

I do say that Obama is doing his best right now to work on health care because he is promising that he will provide more health care to the families in this country. Obama is an intelligent and a caring person, and he does understand what we are going through, but I do believe that he will be able to get health care for all of us.

Health Care is also helpful for us when we are getting any shots to prevent us from getting sick, for the most part health care is big and important for our country, and I do believe that we will get the health care we need for ourselves and our families, because we don't want to get sick or get a illness or even get a disease.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

The Nation Of America

Ever since the early years of how our nation started and was founded, the people had a purpose to make a difference for our nation and our government. There were people like Washington, Adams, Lincoln, and Jefferson who wanted to our country to make an impact on the rest of the world. In 1776, the Declaration of Independence was signed, symbolizing our country's freedom and rights.

Over the next two centuries, there were a lot of wars, that broke out and many men stepped up and decided to take the presidency, so they can help make a change in our country and to keep our country on the right track. By the time the 1900's came along there were many events that were going on. The Civil Rights Movement, Women's Suffrage Movement, and many other current events. The men who took office in becoming our president were strong and motivated to lead this country, and they picked a lot of people to help them and keep the nation on the right track.

Many of the presidents did make an impact and a difference on this country, and now with Mr. Obama in office he is doing all he can to keep making an impact on this country and to set a positive example for his family and everybody in this country.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

We Should Leave The Middle East

In my opinion, we do need to leave the Middle East. It has been six years since we have fought with Iraq and appoximately over 4,000 troops have died in the war and many more are injured. There have been troops that came back home and their families safe and sound, but the side effects of the war still have been affecting them a lot.

We do need to pull out because the longer we keep fighting the Iraq war, the more troops will get killed and injured, but the good news is Mr. Obama is in office and his intentions are to end this war with Iraq. He have set up a time frame in when the troops should be able to come back home, and the date is December 2011 which is 2 more years away.

At first, we were for this war but now a lot of people in the United States are angry and upset because we have not pulled out and it has been 6 years. However, Mr. Obama does want to clear things up in Afghanistan and he does want to put some of the troops over there to guard and protect, which is a good idea so that way the enemy won't get suspicious and wonder "What is going on here". With Mr. Obama in office he should be able to do the best he can with what he is going to accomplish to help the country and the citizens.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Government Challeges Firms To Make Better Batteries

This piece from the article of talks about how the government is convincing the firms to build smaller, longer-lived batteries and what they talk about is how the batteries are going to help not only the government but also the people in general. The government wants to invests tens of millions of dollars to invest the companies into making them. I don't know if that is a smart idea because, we do have batteries that can last longer and that's Duracel and other battery types, furthermore, if the battery deal falls through that is a lot of money wasted.

We spend a lot of money on getting batteries everyday and not only we do that but we also use batteries to help us with electronic devices and for our other needs and purposes. Batteries are important for us to use and I think that the government just wants us to have better batteries to use in the future. Today's intelligence and military missions do rely more and more on high-tech gadgetry: such as remote communications and surveillance systems, and the government have been investing not only in batteries, but also in portable, long-duration power sources.

I'm not saying that the government does not need to do any wrongful spending in investing in batteries is just that they do need to think about the whole thing first and see if it is worth it. For the most part it is a smart idea because we could be inventing something that can be worthwhile and could benefit for us in the future.

Friday, March 27, 2009

President Obama signals Afghanistan war shift

I have read about one of the news coverages on how President Obama have plans to send 4,000 more troops to Afghanistan to help stop the worsening insurgency there, the authors are making their cases that by sending some more troops there to Afghanistan it might calm things down a bit. It could work but the Afghan troops are probably more smarter and a little bit more cunning too. The authors have also stated that President Obama does have plans to seek help from the other nations which are: China, Russia, Iran, India, United Arab Emirates, and Saudi Arabia.

I think it is a good idea to have six other nations help us so that way we won't go at it alone and so we can be able to conquer this whole conflict in Afghanistan. President Obama will also ask United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia to do more to help stop terrorist financing. The authors did make it clear that there are 59,000 troops fighting right now. Gen. David McKiernan have asked for 32,000 troops.

The number of troops in Afghanistan will help more because former Republican Presidential Candidate John McCain or one of the authors have mentioned that "The Afghan army has to be dramatically increased". The number of troops have been increased; Gen. McKiernan have asked for 32,000 troops, President George Bush have committed 6,000 troops, and now President Barack Obama have put in 21,000 troops. In total that is 59,000 troops.

What the authors are trying to say is that President Obama is putting a lot of effort into everything, and he is doing his best for the country to make peace and to end this war in Iraq and to settle things down in Afghanistan. I agree because the war in Iraq has been six years and we need to put in end to this war, and by having more troops in Afghanistan things will settle down and become peaceful again.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

In this piece from U.S.A. today the author made an argument about how people should not keep wild, non-domesticated animals in their homes because the animal can destroy everything and even attack their own owners. There were many incidences where wild animals who were pets have attacked people before and even their owners, from the past and even recently now, wild animals are not pets and people should not keep them as pets because they are wild and they are non-domesticated.

There are also breed of dogs that should not even be pets because they are also just as dangerous as wild animals, for example: Doberman Pinschers, Rottweilers, Pit Bulls, and even Pit Bull mixes. Dogs like them are pretty dangerous, because they can get pretty vicious at any given moment and if anybody is not careful they can turn on anybody especially you being the owner of the dog.

The author was also making created some key elements in his point-of-view of the piece. He used examples of what happened to people who keep wild animals and dangerous dogs as their pets. There were a few other arguments from one woman who owns two wild monkeys (one is Capuchin the other Snow White) as her pets. She says they are majestic creatures and the bond between the caretaker and the pet is unbelievable.

You really need to take in consideration that wild animals belong in the wild not in somebody's home, its unbelivable and outrageous to me that anybody would keep a wild animal as a pet that is ridiculous and on top of that is just plain wrong for the animal, because how can you take a wild animal from the wild, put it in a local shelter, and then you decide you want a pet and decide that it can be a wild animal, then you go to the shelter, take the animal, and you decide to keep it as a pet. That's just not right.

I believe the author was also trying to point out and that having a wild animal as a pet is not right and furthermore its just not a good thing to do, because you could endanger yourself and anybody else in your house and probably in your neighborhood.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

President Ahmadinejad's Welcoming of U.S. talks

I have read about the current event that is going on from the article U.S.A. today, and what they are talking about is how Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad will welcome talks from the United States unless they are on "mutual respect" based. According to the article, it mentioned that President Barack Obama made "openings" to have a face-to-face talk with Tehran, and Ahmedinejad made his comments on the subject afterward.

Even though we had cut ties with Iran since 1979, (30 years prior) Obama does want to talk with Tehran about how the mess should be straightened out, and how we should have "mutual respect and progress" based upon Iranian President Ahmedinejad's plea about talking things out.

In the article, it does sound like Ahmedinejad is for the idea because he have said "It is quite clear that real change must be fundamental and not tactical. It is clear the Iranian welcomes real changes and is ready for dialogue in a climate of equality and mutual respect." From my point of view it sounds like Ahmedinejad wants to go for it. If Obama must be very careful if he wants to do this so that way there won't be no surprises or anything that can be messed up.

Everybody should take some time and read this article because it talks about how Iranian President Ahmadinejad is accepting any talks from us probably peace or negotiating with us about anything, and President Obama wants to try and make a difference by settling things with Tehran.